Sound of Body and Mind

I always felt that I was in good shape until one day when I was playing with my grandkids and realized that my core is not in the condition that I feel it needed to be in, especially when it comes to working around and climbing on an RV. At that point I knew that if I was going to go full time in an RV, I needed to do something and quickly. 

I love to swim but I knew that just swimming by itself would not get me into the shape that I needed in the time frame that I was looking for (not only was I looking to increase my core strength but my lung capacity as I have asthmatic issues.) I developed a workout schedule that included swimming, water aerobics, water strength exercises, and other water workouts. For me water workouts were the perfect workout as they are easier on my joints (which was important) plus the water provided resistance in addition to the weights when I was using weights. While I tried to go every day, I will admit that I was not that consistent, but it was fairly close.  I would be at the pool for two to three hours each day. I would vary what areas I worked on each day. For example, one day would be arms and shoulders and the next legs. I have to admit that my core was a big thing for me, and I probably worked on that every day I was at the pool. I knew that you are supposed to give your muscles a chance to rebuild, and I tried not to push myself while on the other hand it felt so good to be in the water and accomplishing something (seeing results!) Have I mentioned that I LOVE being in the water?

Every day I would work on my lung capacity and swimming underwater. That was just a vital health issue that needed to be dealt with. There were disappointments in this area though. It seemed like I would be making great strides then have an asthma flare up and be back to square one. I guess that was God’s way of telling me it was not all under my control and I needed to understand that and make sure I had plan B, C and D in place.

 I was impressed with how quickly my body responded to my workouts. Not only was I gaining muscle strength, but I was dropping weight. It was crazy. Within two months I was where I wanted to be and felt comfortable climbing to the top of the RV and doing anything around the RV that I needed to. My lung capacity had increased dramatically. When I started, I could maybe swim underwater for ¼ the length of the pool. By the end of the two months, I could easily swim the length of the pool underwater. Progress!

Now the question was how to keep this condition while I was on the road with no access to a pool. I will admit that I still don’t have the perfect solution. What I have done to this point is: resistance bands, weights, yoga, walking, and hiking. When I do get the chance, I swim. 

What do you do to stay in shape?

” Challange yourself every day to do better and be better. Remember, growth starts with a decision to move beyond your present circumstances.” - Robert Tew


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