How Safe Is It?

Safety was a huge concern for my family and me, especially since I was going to be traveling by myself. 

The big question was if I was going to carry a gun with me. I was raised shooting guns of all types and am not afraid of shooting them and am proficient with them. The biggest thing for me about carrying a gun with me is that every state has a different law regarding guns, and I didn’t want to end up on the wrong side of the law because I was carrying a gun. So, if I wasn’t going to carry a gun what was I going to do to protect myself?

I’m a softball player and can swing a wicked bat! I carry two of them with me, one in the front and one in the back. I also carry bear and wasp spray. Both of these sprays can hit a target from a distance or close up and I don’t have to worry about shooting myself with it accidentally or being afraid of shooting it at someone. I also won’t get into trouble with the law for having any of these items with me which is a plus.

In addition to these measures my kids have locator programs on my phones (yes, I have two, one ATT and one Visible/Verizon) so they know where I am and can check on me whenever they want to. We are also in contact at least twice a day unless I am staying with family or friends. Letting them know where I am spending the night is helpful. The first night I spent at a Walmart parking lot I don’t think my son slept at all until he heard from me the next morning. The first night at a rest area was also a rough one for him. For his sanity I try to use those as a very last resort.

Having a Class C in itself provides me with a little more safety, I feel, which is why I went with a Class C over a TT or 5th Wheel. When I stop, I don’t have to get out to use the restroom or to get into my rig. I put my inside shades up and lock all my doors and as far as anyone knows there are multiple people in the vehicle.

My biggest safety measure is myself. In my job I was trained to be aware of what was going on around me and to pay attention to details. I am constantly aware of my surroundings and if I am uncomfortable with a situation I will leave. That goes for if I have stopped for gas, groceries, for the night, to visit a sight, or whatever. My instincts/intuition has never failed me yet so if something doesn’t feel right, I pay attention. 

What measures do you use for safety?

“It’s your own intuition, combined with your experience and judgment, that can really guide you forward.” Berrak Sarikaya


Learning to Drive!


Sound of Body and Mind