The Art of The Purchase

The walkthrough and paying attention to what is included on the Due Bill is important! I learned the hard way.

For the walk through, video tape it, write things down, test every single thing! This is important so that you know how everything works (you think you will remember but you won’t.) You also need to make sure even the smallest thing works. I had two blinds that didn’t work and didn’t find out until I got home. It was a fight to get them included on the Due Bill.

The Due Bill. During the signing of your contract, you sign off on the Due Bill. This is a list of items that need to be repaired and the company is agreeing to repair them? Ask that question and make sure the answer is yes!

I admit I made several mistakes, but I was also assured that if I found any issues over the weekend they would be covered. My issues were discovered on the way home and after getting home. I immediately called and talked to the manager. When I took the RV into the repair shop one item was included on the Due Bill and the other was not. After months (April-August) of the manager giving me the run around I finally took all of my information (I keep detailed notes) to the company owner. He covered everything. I should have done this as soon as the manager started giving me the run around!

The moral of this is do a VERY thorough walk through before leaving the lot and make sure every issue is listed on the Due Bill before you sign off on it!

“How much you can learn when you fail determines how far you will go into achieving your goals.” - Roy Bennett


Sound of Body and Mind


Preparation Pays Off